
Daniel Juster

Senior Apostolic Leader Tikkun America

Dr. Daniel Juster received his B.A. from Wheaton College and his M. Div. from McCormick Theological Seminary. He did two years in the Philosophy of Religion program of Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, and received his Th.D. from New Covenant International Seminary. Dr. Juster has been involved in the Messianic Jewish movement since 1972. He was the founding president and then general secretary of the Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations for nine years; the senior leader of Beth Messiah Congregation, Rockville, MD for 22 years; and presently is a member of the apostolic team that governs Tikkun International Ministries. Dr. Juster is also the Director of Tikkun America, and as such, he provides oversight to 23 congregations and ministries in the USA. He ministers personally under the name of Restoration from Zion, a Tikkun International ministry. Dr. Juster has authored many books, including Jewish Roots – a Foundation of Biblical Theology; The Dynamics of Spiritual Deception; Jewishness and Jesus; The Biblical World View – An Apologetic; Relational Leadership; The Irrevocable Calling; One People, Many Tribes; and Mutual Blessing. He has been a featured speaker at many conferences across the globe.

Raymond Ramirez

Campus Pastor King of Kings Community Jerusalem; Director King of Kings Worship

Use this section to explain to potential students the value of your offering. Great copy shows your audience how their life might look after working with you. Start by identifying the problem you're solving. Next, present how their life will be different with the solution you’re providing. Finally, explain why you’re uniquely positioned to provide this solution.

Chad Holland

CEO King of Kings Ministries; Senior Pastor King of Kings Community Jerusalem

Chad and Rebecca, along with their 4 children, made aliyah in July of 2014. Chad was the Senior Leader of Brit Hadasha Messianic Jewish Synagogue in Memphis, prior to their move. Chad began in full time ministry in 1999 in Gaithersburg, MD. The Holland family enjoys being involved in discipleship, small groups, marriage counseling and hospitality. The Lord has used Chad to plant several congregations and establish new ministries. Chad now serves as the CEO and Overseer of the King of Kings Family of Ministries, which is a network of connected congregations and ministries, primarily serving Israel, but also includes a number of communities abroad.

Course curriculum

  1. 1
    • Session 1

  2. 2
    • Session 2

  3. 3
    • Session 3

    • Notes - The Servant Leader

  4. 4
    • Session 4

  5. 5
    • Session 5

  6. 6
    • Session 6